The Locomotor System pathology is one of the best candidates for mesotherapeutic treatment. In the first place, we have the localisation of injuries, which are generally confined to specific joints. In the second place, we have the allopathic medicines which, normally taken either orally or in an intramuscular fashion, inevitably lead to an iatrogeny, which may on occasion prove to be very serious. In the third place, we have the wide range of medicines which are available to us. Fourthly, and most importantly, we have the fact that we are dealing with the most frequent pathology with which we are confronted in our surgeries and private clinics, where the technique and art of mesotherapy is practised.

The bibliographic material consulted, along with conversations held with fellow mesotherapists, lead us to the conclusion that there is a lack of unanimity as regards the mixtures of medicines used to date. These are generally mixtures made up of one or more products from the following groups: AINES, Decontracting agents, Vasodilators, Anaesthetics and Calcitonins. It must also be stated that practically all of those consulted have mentioned some occasional unpleasant reaction to a some mixture or other, or some difficulty encountered in trying to obtain the medicine that they deem to be an ideal product to treat a particular case.

We can generalise, taking into account the fact that basic triad of PAIN, INFLAMMATION and FUNCTIONAL IMPOTENCE, can characterise practically all of the pathologies to be found in this group, at least as far as a particular stage of its evolution is concerned. Furthermore, in clinical terms, it is this which must truly concern us, given that the majority of our patients will resort to our surgeries with some joint trouble, or inflammation of same, and a greater or lesser capacity to carry out the movements related to the joint in question.
What do all of these problems have in common?

Basically, the common factor is INFLAMMATION:

Inflammation is the response our body gives to an aggression produced by an agent: Traumatic, Immunological, Infectious, Toxic or Metabolic.

It classically manifests itself, in clinical terms, in Pain, Heat, Flushes, Swelling and Functional Impotence.

Very schematically:

When an injuring agent, of whatever type it may be, acts on the tissue, the cells react releasing certain substances (mediators) which are basically: Histamine, Serotonin, Kallikrein, Bradicinin, Prostaglandins, etc.

These substances provoke certain effects:

An increase in the arrival of the blood (Arteriolar vasodilation).

The slowing down of its flow, in order to favour contact with the damaged cells.

An increase of capillary permeability to favour cell exit and defensive substances.

An increase of leukocytes (Macrophage) in the area.

An increase in fibroblasts (these are repairing cells).

All of these effects are those which characterise ACUTE INFLAMMATION.

If the aggression persists, or if the inflammatory process has proven to be incapable of neutralising it, immunological type responses are activated by the body, accompanied by a large increase of Macrophage and a sizeable production of Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes.

Neoformation and hypertrophy of the tissue under repair is produced, giving rise to an important reduction in its functional capacity, possibly ending up in articular destruction.

This is what characterises CHRONIC INFLAMMATION.

Generally, the therapeutic approach in these processes is based on two types of medicines, the so-called Non-steroid Anti-inflammatory ones (AINES) and the Glucocorticoid ones. Their mechanism consists of impeding the production of the inflammation mediators. Nevertheless, they are associated with three big problems: firstly, they do not imply either an aetiological or a curative approach, merely a symptomatic one. Secondly, they neither avoid nor prevent articular wear and tear and involution, which accompany the illness itself, and thirdly, the inevitable and serious side effects that they provoke.

These side effects are numerous and extremely varied. The first of these is the bodies resistance building to same, which means that, in time greater dosages are needed in order to achieve the same effect. Nevertheless, the following tables sums up their effects as far as the various bodily systems are concerned:








Gastric Ulcer
Digestive bleeding

Anaemia due to bleeding

Liquid retention

Macular erythema
Stevens-Johnson Synd

Articular destruction in intra-articular injections

Giddiness and Bewilderment

Gastric Ulcer

Growth deficiency

High blood pressurel




What other options are available to us?

We have a great alternative to conventional treatments by basing our approach on Modern Phytotherapy and Homeopathy practice, which provide us with direct knowledge of how the different active principles act.

Complementing the treatment by providing nutrients, oligoelements, vitamins and minerals is going to guarantee us a complete and proper assimilation of same by the structures that have been damaged.


As I pointed out in the Chapter on Obesity, I systematically complement the Aesthetic Mesotherapy session (obesity or cellulitis) with a mesotherapeutic session to treat the articular pathology from which the patient is suffering whenever I come across an obese person, or one who is suffering from some other aesthetic pathology, who has come to my surgery, and who is, in addition, suffering from an osteo-articular problem. It is a way to gain the trust of my patient, and of course, of curing a medical problem in a safe manner, and free from any side effects.

I systematically use an injectable homeopathic product called CONDRODISTROFIN:








I consider this to be the most complete medicine, given that when the indications are analysed separately, we can see that it covers all of the possible options within the osteo-articular pathology, from immediate traumatisms or chronic degenerative rheumatisms:


Rheumatic pains in the extremities.
Muscular and joint pains that either begin or worsen with cold and damp.
Lumbalgias and lumbar pains that may suddenly arise.
Muscular rheumatism.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
Cellular regeneration.
Neuritis (Post-herpetic neuritis)


In joint pains with muscular rigidity.
In rheumatic pains that improve with movement.
Pains in the joints that improve with heat and worsen with dampness.
Very acute sciatic pains that run along the nerve, and which worsen with rest and improve with movement.
Rheumatisms, Sprains, Dislocations, Articular – Muscular Fatigue.
Acts in processes of articular rigidity.


Indicated for cases of synovial inflammation.
Good for acute localised pinching pains, which worsen with movement.
Compressive frontal headaches, which worsen with movement.
Articular pathologies in which the local symptoms improve with the application of heat.
Acute rheumatic arthritis.
Acute articular pains, which worsen with movement, or when even slightly rubbed against.
Congestive headaches, accompanied by an explosive sensation, intensified with the minimal effort, such as a coughing, eye movement or Valsalva manoeuvre.
Vertigo or giddiness and a feeling of instability on moving or turning the head.


The ideal medicine for traumatisms.
Its action on the body’s microcirculatory system avoids bleeding and the formation of esquimosis, hematomas and oedemas.
Chosen agent for pains suffered after a contusion.
Anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous and soothing.
Muscular and articular rheumatism.
Hypersensitivity to touch and movement of the joint.
Pains in the joints which get worse with the cold.


Muscular, articular and nerve pains.
For sensations of cramps and muscular contractions.
Articular rheumatisms.


Indicated for tendinitis, coxitis, scapular – humeral periarthritis, osteoparthritis deformans and all types of all types of chondropathia.
Regenerator of the intra-articular cartilage.


Indicated to treat the neuralgic phenomenon.
In acute pain with a sensation of numbness.
For hyperthermia, heat with reddening skin.
Pains that get worse with climactic changes, mainly as far as the cold in concerned.
Paresthesia in the legs at night.
Inflammations of a rheumatic nature.

As we can see, we are dealing here with a complex homeopathic medicine, which fully covers the therapeutic needs of all inflammatory and degenerative processes of the various organs, especially the locomotorial ones, not to mention traumatic (Contusions, Shocks and Fractures), or microtraumatic, injuries normally associated with sports activities.

I wish to underline the latter point, given that in Sports Medicine it is necessary to have a therapeutic arsenal at hand to provide us with swift solutions to problems (thus shortening the recovery or convalescent period of the sportsman or sportswoman), with the utmost efficacy (not reducing performance), and with maximum safety, not to mention without undesirable side effects (Allergies, Intolerances, etc.) and without problems with respect to drug tests. (A lot of anti-inflammatory medicines, analgesics and local anaesthetics are deemed to be performance-enhancing drugs).

If we care to summarise the most frequent pathologies with which we are faced in our surgery, the following would be the result as far as their statistical relevance is concerned, although I would like to stress the fact that the articular pathologies that do not respond, to a greater or lesser extent, to a Homeopathic Mesotherapy treatment, either as a single therapeutic action, or, as we will see, combined with other options which Phytotherapy affords us, are few and far between.
I do not wish to overlook the formulations that the masters of Mesotherapy have recommended for the treatment of said pathologies, and therefore, I will list those, which in my opinion, were most employed up until the advent of Homeopathic Mesotherapy:



This disease is typical in elderly patients: pain, functional impotence, cracking, vertiginous syndrome, etc. are the most common symptoms of this disease.

Procaine (1cc) + Pyridyl - Heparin (1cc) + Neuriplege (1cc) (C. Ballesteros)
Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Banikol (Le Coz)

Condrodistrofin with excellent results.





Generally, anti-inflammatory mixtures have been used in painful para-vertebral areas.

Well-diluted lidocaine is used to avoid temporary facial paresthesias.

We check for any “cellulagias”, which we will also puncture.



A two-pronged approach was recommended:

1st.- With a well diluted decontracting agent.

Diazepam (Valium 2 mg.)

Clorproetazina - Neuriplege (Not to be linked with AINES. It precipitates with Pyridyl - Heparin)

Thiocolchicoside - Coltramyl. (It can be linked with AINES) (Folch)

2nd.- Three days later we look for the sore points.

We look for the painful projection in the upper and lower neck ganglions. It is then punctured with a well-diluted anti-inflammatory (Piroxicam, Diclofenac, etc.).

From the outset: CONDRODISTROFIN + IR LASER + MANUAL LYMPHODRAINAGE, with excellent results and without adding anaesthetics.


The is usually caused by a degenerative problem. It responds very well to mesotherapy.

The following was recommended:

Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Iodogluthional Vitamin B-1 (Le Coz)

CONDRODISTROFIN following all the points of pain by lightly touching the area.



Classic symptomatology of pain + Movements are limited + Functional impotence

The following has been used:

Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Iodogluthional Vitamin B-1 (Le Coz)

Condrodistrofin produces good results. Along with rehabilitation + IR Laser.






This may be of interest to the Supraspinous. Infraspinous. Infrascapular. Long head of the Biceps. Teres Menor.

Voltaren + Pyridyl - Heparin + Physiological Serum (Le Coz)

Be careful with hematomas with the Pyridyl – Heparin. Look out for hemostasis.

Condrodistrofin + IR Laser + Rehabilitation


"Acute subacromial bursitis as a result of a hydroxyapatite deposit"

Xylocaine + Tracemate (Edetic Acid) (Le Coz)


Lidocaine + Calcitonin + Voltaren or Feldene (Le Coz)

If the functional restriction is very serious, the following is recommended:

Procaine + Neuriplege + Coltramyl (Le Coz)


Condrodistrofin + Laser + Rehabilitation


As a preliminary attempt to infiltrate with corticoids we can try

Well diluted AINES: Feldene, Voltaren, etc. According to Le Coz, if the three sessions of Mesotherapy do not produce any improvement, he infiltrated corticoids intra-articularly.

By using Condrodistrofin, we avoid the corticoid iatrogeny.


Simpathicolytics + AINES + Calcitonin. (Le Coz)
Procaine + Feldene + Calsynar
Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Iodogluthional Vitamin B-1

Condrodistrofin + IR Laser + Rehabilitation

We must try this, at the very least, in three or four sessions in order to avoid corticotherapy infiltration.



Numerous formulae used. Generally AINES with decontracting agents.

Among those that were recommended with would like to highlight the following:

Indocid (1cc) + Conjontyl (2cc) + Procaine (1cc) (Kac - Ochana)

Procaine (1cc) + Iodogluthional (1cc) (Deiter)

Feldene (1cc) + Procaine (1cc) (Pichard)

Other authors try to restrict the ciatalgia phases:

During the acute phase:

Xylocaine (1cc) + Feldene (0.3 cc) + Coltramyl (1cc) (Gerard)

Procaine 1 / 1000 (5cc) + Iodogluthional Vit. (2cc) (Pistor)

During the chronic phase:

Procaine (1cc) + Lofton (1cc) + Praxilene (1cc) + Thioderazine (1cc) (Gerard)

Procaine (5 cc ) + Neuriplege (2.5 cc) (Pistor)

Other approaches recommend acting on all of the specific painful points which we will find by lightly touching the para - vertebral area, and on larger areas of the lumbar region which we will find by means of subcutaneous palpation:

Xylocaine 0.5 % (1cc) + Coltramyl (1 cc) (Mrejen)

It is one of the most satisfactory treatments we can carry out with Condrodistrofin (1amp.)





Numerous formulations were recommended. Some stress the immunological component of the process and recommend treating it with Mesotherapeutic vaccines.


Nevertheless, the classic formulations are the ones that are used most frequently:

Procaine (1cc) + Pyridyl - Heparin (2 cc )

Pyridyl - Heparin (1 cc) + Voltaren (2 cc)

Procaine (1 cc) + Iodogluthional (2 cc)

Condrodistrofin is a perfectly valid alternative.



Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Iodogluthional Vitamin B-1

Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Banikol (Le Coz)



Mesocaine + Feldene or
Mesocaine + Orudis (Le Coz)


Mesotherapy is very effective in Stages I and II, when the retraction is very moderate.

Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Feldene (Pistor)

It also infiltrates with some drops in the tendon.

According to Pistor, the second session should never take place until after two months.


Good results and we can repeat the sessions every week, given that there is a complete lack of any iatrogenic repercussions.


Mesotherapy is effective during the initial stages.
Procaine + Esberiven .



Le Coz recommends mesoperfusion with an AINE + Decontracting agent



One of the best Mesotherapeutic indications:

Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Iodogluthional Vitamin B -1 (Le Coz)

Procaine + Rumalon + Iodogluthional Vitamin B -1 (Le Coz)

Applying them on days 0 and 10. Then, in accordance with the patient’s requests.

Procaine (1cc) + Pyridyl - Heparin (1 cc) + Thiobanzyme (2 cc) (Daturi)

There are authors who systematically use Calcitonin as the chosen medicine in for gonarthrosis:

Cibalcacin 0.5 (1 fs.) + Procaine (1 cc) + Esberiven (2 cc ) (Fievet and Leclerc)

Procaine (1cc) + Feldene (1 cc) + Cibacalcin 0.5 ( 1 fs.) (Pichar)

As an alternative, homeopathic mesotherapy recommends the following with very good results:

Condrodistrofin (1 amp.) is one of the best indications.





Mesocaine + Feldene (Le Coz)


Mesocaine + Orudis (Le Coz)



Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Iodogluthional Vitamin B -1 (Le Coz)
Condrodistrofin: is another of its special indications.
If we find ourselves confronted with a post-traumatic, or post-surgical situation, or with a vascular component and the joint is extremely oedematous condition:

Condrodistrofin cures oedemas and ecchymosis very quickly.
Procaine + Esberiven (Le Coz).






Very good results in bursitis which accompanies this pathology.

Procaine + Pyridyl - Heparin + Iodogluthional Vitamin B -1 (Le Coz)


We have an incredibly large therapeutic arsenal within our reach to tackle locomotor system pathologies. What is more, these agents carry with them certain guarantees, such as the harmlessness of their principle actives and the complete absence of all collateral side effects associated with the classic medicines that are usually used to deal with such problems.
In accordance with the aforementioned premises, we can tackle an osteo-articular illness from several different angles:

1st.- In the acute phase, or during the critical period of the disease, we can solve the complete symptomatic retinue which accompanies same (Pain, Inflammation, Oedema, Contracture and Functional Impotence). We resort to the synergism of the following components:

Harpagophytum (Devil’s Claw), Willow, Ulmaria, Ash, Orthosiphon, Juniper, Ginger, Black Currant and Aloe Vera, which act as Analgesics, Anti-inflammatories and Spasmolytics.

Ulmaria, Birch, Ash, Pine, Orthosyphon, Juniper, Black Currant and Wild Radish, which act as Anti-gout agents, Uricosuric agents Anti-oedematous agents.

Will and Juniper possess Anti-thermal and Decontracting effects.

Minerals: Fluoride, Phosphorous, Iodine, Sulphur, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium. Oligoelementos: Copper – Gold – Silver, Cobalt and Zinc. Vitamins: B-1, B-6, B-12, A, C, E. And the amino acid DL-Phenylalanine. All together, they possess great connective tissue structural capacity, they activate the formation of hydroxyapatites, specific Glycoproteins of the osteo-ligament system, they have great cicatrising, anti-oxidant and free anti-radical power, and the DL – Phenylalanine is a direct precursor of endorphins.

During this phase of the disease I recommend that my patients, depending on the intensity of the clinical symptoms, take one or two vials a day of the product known as CONDRORAL.

2.- If we find ourselves tackling a chronic or inter-critical phase of the disease, what we must focus on is avoiding the degenerative process of same, as well as avoiding the alterations that this gives rise to on the cartilaginous structures, the bone matrix and the articular capsule, which will finish off the functionality of the joint in question.

Chondroitin sulphate, Glucosamine, L-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine, act as anti-inflammatories, but basically as precursors of the collagen synthesis, as chondroprotectors and structural agents of the cartilaginous tissue that has been damaged. They inhibit neo-angiogenesis associated with the degeneration of the cartilage and the facies articularis.

Minerals: Iron, Fluoride, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium and Cobalt are essential in the osteo – cartilaginous regeneration and in the bone synthesis and in the regeneration of glucoproteins, acting as powerful anti-oxidants and free anti-radicals.

Vitamins: C, E, D, B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12. And the Oligoelements Copper – Gold – Silver and co-factors of the formation of collagen and Chondroitin and needed for the proper assimilation of Calcium and Magnesium of the diet (bone structuring). Citric Acid acts as an acidifier, thus favouring the absorption of Calcium and Amino acids.

In these cases, I recommend the taking of two CONDROVIT – CA capsules per day, over a prolonged period of time (cures of at least 3 months).

Basically, we deem Condrovit – Ca to be an obstacle to the degenerative advance of the joint affected by a rheumatic and osteoporotic process, given that it brings together, in a single compound, anti-inflammatory properties, all the minerals that we know to be lacking in the joint and bone components in chronic rheumatoid illnesses, and all of the assimilation co-factors (vitamins and oligoelements) needed for its proper integration in the injured structures.

Bearing in mind that these products are excellent strengtheners of the capsule-ligament framework of the joints, they can be of great service to sportsmen and sportswomen, not to mention the added advantage that they are not performance-enhancing drugs.

3rd.- Finally, if we have a need for immediate and direct action on the affected joint, we have available to us a topical product with rapid and complete assimilation properties called CONDROGEL. This compound is made up of Devil’s claw, Aloe Vera, Arnica, Marigold, Cosuelda, Daisy, Cinnamon, Cayeput, Eucalyptus, Clove, Tepezcohuite and Trementina. Its immediate effects are: anti-inflammatories, analgesics, spasmolytics, decontracting agents, cicatrising agents and anti-oedematous agents. Thus they are invariably the firs choice medicines for sports pathologies and injuries (bruises, contractures, sprains, dislocations, and even simply as preparation for exercises), as well as being an excellent complement to the osteo-articular pathology referred to above, whether it be of an acute of chronic nature.

I would also like to say that if our intention is to practise only a Homeopathic therapy, the preparation known as Condrodistrofin is also valid when taken orally (I always recommend it as a complement to the Mesotherapeutic treatment). We can prescribe an ampoule to be taken sub-lingually, before breakfast, twice or three times a week.